Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Introduction....and some stuffed shells!

As an introduction to myself and this blog, my name is Lizzie and I am 23 years old and just started my career in Cleveland, Ohio.  I recently graduated from Ohio University (Go Bobcats!) with my BA in marketing and sales.  I miss college from time to time, but have been embracing this new chapter in my life.  I live at home with my parents ( I have to save up!) and let me tell parents (or roommates as I like to call them)  LOVE my new found passion for cooking.  It's as if they have their own live-in chef!  They are my guinea pigs for all of my experimental recipes...some good...some not so good.  I knew I was doing something right when I convinced my mom (the pickiest eater I know) to try (and LIKE) tilapia.  That's what inspired me to start this blog!

Those who know me (and my former cooking habits) may be thinking it's a bit bizarre that I have started a cooking blog (I think the same thing).  I was the girl in college who ate pasta for dinner every night (pasta still is my favorite!) and ate the same thing for every meal.  I once had a friend over for breakfast, and I told him that I cooked him a delicious meal.  To his disappointment I made bagels (a little burnt) and coffee.  THAT was my idea of cooking. (I still haven't lived that one down).

I graduated this past fall, which was a bittersweet experience.  I was sad to leave that carefree college life I had know for 4....ok... 4 and a half (I milked it all I could!) years.  It was time to say goodbye to friends, classmates, and that college atmosphere, and move on to bigger and better things.  I can still remember driving away from the beautiful college town in Athens, Ohio with my sunglasses on, music blaring, and that feeling of uncertainty in my stomach.  I was ready for the next chapter of my life, however there was a big cloud hanging over my head...what is the next chapter?

As I figured that big question out (I'm still not so sure I know the answer) I had the opportunity to do a lot of self discovery.  After the holidays, my boyfriend and my sister (I'll talk much more about them later) moved back to college, while many of my close friends moved away to start their careers or go to grad school.  I had accepted a recruiting position here in Cleveland, so living at home with my parents was the smartest thing I could do at this point (hey not the most glamorous but it works).  For the first time in a long time I could focus on me.  I indulged myself into my first new big girl job! (hey I got a job a month after graduating...not so shabby).  I enjoy the working world and making a name for myself.  But now...I have all this spare time on the weekends and after what do I do with it?

Welp, eating has always been a favorite hobby of mine, so I could definitely fill my time doing that! (haha...but seriously)  So I started experimenting with things.  I got very involved with  (love that site) which is where I found so many different recipes with pictures that made my mouth water.  I started following various cooking blogs, and talking to people about cooking.  And the more dishes I made...the more I realized, hey I'm pretty good at this...AND I ENJOY DOING  IT.  

Well of course with all this eating I'm doing....I have to balance it out with exercise (or else I would be 500 lbs).    Which brings me to my next self discovered interest, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  I started spinning about 3 times a week, and running the other 4 days.  Hey did you guys know this...if you eat right and lose weight?  Yeah, I didnt know that either.  You also feel better mentally and physically...huh who knew!? Weird how I gained weight in college...I thought the pizza and beer diet was great, I mean I walked to class everyday, that counted as exercise...right?  I thought so. Haha! But once again, Pinterest pointed me in the right direction for fitness plans and workouts that I enjoy doing!

In a nutshell, that's what I'm all about!  I will explore more of my cooking inspirations, healthy lifestyle tips, and more of my self discovery along the way.  But first...we need a recipe to start with!   I made this stuffed shells recipe a few nights ago, unsure of what to expect (I had never made it before....let alone stuffed a shell)  but these were fabulous!  My family and I ate them all up.  They were small enough to be served as finger food, which made me think these would be great as an appetizer for a party!

Pesto Chicken Stuffed Shells

12-16 jumbo pasta shells
4 oz cream cheese, softened
3 tablespoons pesto
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese + 1/4 for topping
2 cups of shredded cooked chicken
2 cloves minced garlic
6-8 cherry tomatoes
salt and pepper to taste

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

Boil your water and cook your shells until al dente.  Drain and put to the side

In a mixing bowl combine all your other ingredients (minus the 1/4 cup parmesan cheese for the topping).  Season to taste,  (I used a bit less tomatoes)  

Stuff your mixture into your shells and arrange on a foiled baking sheet.  Sprinkle remaining cheese and bake for 30 minutes.  (You may want to use a shredded cheese for a cheesier effect)

**Like I said these would be great as an appetizer, or to make it more of a "meal" I will make a creamier sauce to go along with them next time.  Also I think sun dried tomatoes would taste great in this!  Let me know what you think!


  1. Hey Lizzie,

    Good for you. Glad to see the SE crew didn't deflate your drive. They really are a bunch of softies once you get to know them. Keep up the passion for food and the writing it'll help keep your meds to a minimum! At least that's what I keep hearing.

    C'iao Pav...

    P.S. Next time try cooking the shells together in a glass 9X9 casserole dish with a layer of pasta sauce on the bottom and then some more on top of the shells. It'll keep them from getting dry crispy edges.

  2. Lizzie,

    I love your blog idea and it's great to catch up on what you are doing. I can't wait to ogle over all of your food while I'm settling for DP Dough and Big Momma's - not that I am complaining...Congrats and good luck with the blog!


  3. Thanks for the support! Keep following :) CK come home soon and I'll cook for ya!
